Enjoy it while it lasts because Summer does not last forever but the event will carry on like usual if you would like other events please check out the other ones if you're not interested in special theme requests just sent in a normal one.
1. Summer splash paradise
2. Tails the fox works at McDonald's
3. Relax chill and drink
4. Summer job
5. Year of Shadow
6. Sonic 33 anniversary
7. This ain't nothing but a Summer Jam
6. Cool for the summer
7. Summer vacation begins
8. How to spend my vacation
9. Christmas in July
10. Escape From the City
11. Endless possibilities
12. Night of the Werehog
13. IHOP Amy
14. Eggman sings boom shadow
15. 7 rings in hand
16. Flying with NiGHTS
17. Super Soakers
18. Retro summer
19. Any type of Summer theme prompt of your choice
20. Fourth of July
21. Summer birthdays
22. Zodiac of May
23. 2000s along with Summer
24. National movie day
25. Summer of Love
26. National french fries day
27. Days of s'mores
28. Cinco de Mayo
29. Color splashes
30. Tifa's birthday
31. Hey Summer
32. Your summer theme OCS or OCS sees with Summer themes
33. Kingdom Hearts anniversary
34. Sora's birthday
35. Summer horror themes
36. Chili dog
37. Virgo Gorefield
38. Sodas varieties
39. Return of the good franchises
40. Enter the Dragon 51 anniversary
41. My summer vacation is over
42. Simple and Clean
43. The beach
44. Surf's up dude
45. Tanjiro's Birthday
46. National donut day
47. Yay Donuts
48. Donuts with gender swap Eddsworld girls
49. Don't eat the double glaze Donuts
50. Chill August
51. Link eating watermelon
52. Cloud's Brithday
53. Bikinis
54. Mermay month
55. Mermay prompts or your choice
56. Redraws of your summer theme artworks
57. Phineas and Ferb
58. Take me back to the good old days
59. Fun at the nightclub
60. Summer Camping
61. Annoying It's the summertime tape guy
62. Drowning in deep fry
63. Fry Buddies
64. Zodiac of June
65. This is going to be an unusual vacation
66. Ben 10 (No 2017 reboot of Ben 10)
67. Summer fashion collection
68. Picnic at Sweet Mountain
69. Alola region
70. Mother's Day
71. Potamon
72. International Jazz day
73. Lemonade stand
74. Midsummer Festival
75. Where are we begin?
76. Father's Day
77. Golden week
78. Japan's boys month
79. Sea salt ice cream
81. Yugi's birthday
82. Zodiac of July
83. Swimming pool
84. Scuba diving
85. Collecting seashells
86. Pink lemonade
87. Roxas playing Nintendo DS in the middle of the night
88. Going on vacation
89. Sailor moon's birthday
90. Disney Splash Mountain
92. OverWatch summer skins
93. Shadow the hedgehog birthday
94. Classic Sonic wearing shadow costume
95. Here's to Never Grow Up
96. Ain't It Fun?
97. Beauty and the beach
98. Summer Olympics
99. When I met you at summer
100. Summer Aesthetics
101. Alexis Rhodes's birthday
102. Fun at Chuck E cheese
103. Surfing waves
104. Special gift for my little brother Mokuba
105. Johan Andersen's birthday
106. Summer specials
107. Prince of the night sky (this is related to a Final Fantasy character called Noctis also his name translates to night sky)
108. Jaden Yuki's birthday
109. Jaden wearing colored uniforms
110. Chazz it up
111. Chazz's birthday
112. Possessed by the Supreme King
113. Squall's birthday
114. Kiss in the middle of the fireworks
115. Chibi Sora
116. Good time at the arcades
117. Noctis's birthday
118. Hawaii folklore mythology
119. Poolcore
120. Seapunk
121. Tomato Girl Summer
122. Vacation Dadcore
123. Tropical
124. Work at the Garden
125. Grimace Shake
126. Happy birthday Grimace
127. Yusei as a biker leader
128. SpongeBob anniversary
129. Sweet Victory
130. Yusei Fudo's birthday
131. Best day ever
132. PTSD Awareness Month
133. Imagination
134. Téa Gardner's birthday
135. Téa's dream career
136. Summer theme AUs
137. Snow cones
138. NiGHTS into dreams anniversary
139. Villain Deku
140. Sonic the hedgehog surrounded with riches
141. Taurus Gorefield
142. Creating memories in the meantime
143. 31 days of Sonic
144. Can You Feel the Sunshine
145. Character of your choice as an ice cream seller
146. Demon Slayer characters with Summer theme
147. Mitsuri Kanroji's birthday
148. Mitsuri as a succubus
149. Heart of Courage
150. Deku's birthday
151. Princess Mimi
152. National Truffle Day
153. I think I had too much Truffle
154. Silver stars
155. Chocolate Parfait Day
156. Taichi Yagami's birthday
157. Chocolate flavors parfaits
158. South Korea Children's Day
159. Swimsuits
160. May Day
161. School Lunch Hero Day
162. School lunch Heroes
163. Raspberry Popover
164. Day to pray
165. Mimi with pink hair
166. Mimi's birthday
167. Two Different Colored Shoes
168. National Space Day
169. Sugar cookie celebration
170. National sugar cookie day
171. Kyojuro Rengoku's birthday
172. Stardust Speedway
173. We're going bowling
174. National bowling day
175. Kripy Kreme (it's a South Korean donut place that sells donuts)
176. Pinny Lane
177. Bowler Ponies
178. Twilight town
179. 13th Anniversary of The Amazing World of Gumball
180. Waffle Day
181. May your heart be your guiding key
182. Traverse Town
183. KH dream eaters
184. If Vincent was in Kingdom Hearts
185. Oath keeper or Oblivion
186. Roxas's reflection of his somebody
187. Who else am I going to eat ice cream with
188. Xion's death
189. Forms of Sora
190. Muzan Day
191. Looney Tunes anniversary
192. Sora and Kairi at a maskball
193. SoKai Day
194. Tanabata
195. SoKai Week prompts
196. May the 4th
197. Star Wars Day
198. Luke I am your father
199. Summer satire
200. RokuShi day
201. Summer with Disney
203. Last day of summer vacation
204. Hawaii
205. Coconut Harvest
206. Yami Yugi / Atem's birthday
207. Chain of Memories
208. Possessed Riku
209. Misery of dark Aqua
210. Soda pop day
211. Jellyfish hunting
212. Looking for Gary
213. When I was a teenage snail
214. F is for fun
215. Alaska bull worm
216. Caveman Stone Age SpongeBob
217. Gary Come Home
218. Pretty patties
219. Bubble buddy
220. Pico Day
221. Pico n friends
222. Pico as an insane leprechaun
223. Pico School
224. Killing zombies with a lawnmower
225. Baby kitten Garfield
226. Alone in the rain
227. Evil turtle apocalypse
228. Basketball match
229. Multiversus Miku
230. Miku mondays
231. Miku Amy
232. Miku's Birthday
233. Miku Mouth
234. National girlfriend day
235. A day when all girlfriends rule
236. Kitten Garfield's eating spree
237. Red Cyclone
238. Zangief's birthday
239. Glorious Zangief
240. American Dream
241. Chili dog eating contest
242. Teenage Dream
243. Who needs Barbie when you have Sonic
244. National Devil’s Food Cake Day
245. Pinot Noir
246. Moonlightshine Festival
247. Fajita
248. Vanilla Custard
249. Beer Day Britain
250. Embrace Your Geekness
251. Chocolate Eclair
252. Puppy beach party
253. National Moonshine Day
254. Chocolate eclair dogs
255. World Martini Day
256. National Chili Dog Day
257. Wine and Cheese
258. Passion fruit puree
259. Underwater Hockey
260. Golf Month
261. Eliza Masters's birthday
262. Billiards & Pool Day
263. Book Lovers
264. Melon
265. World Rum Day
266. The witch that can manipulate memories
267. Can't help it when it comes down to chocolate ice cream
268. Mutant crab monster Mat
269. When is Pico School 2 going to come
270. National Ice Cream Pie Day
271. Trying to get away from a truck that is trying to kill me (this is a reference to the truck that Sonic has to escape from in order not to get run over)
272. Country Club
273. Lights camera action!
274. Kitty Katswell's birthday
275. Kitty Katswell cross playing as Officer Jenny from Pokemon
276. Limoncello Day
277. Sailor Moon characters as Bridesmaids
278. Free Comic Book Day
279. Creepy doll from KH3
280. National orange juice day
281. Memories within the Scrapbook
282. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep ice creams
283. Scrapbook day
284. First man to be on the moon
285. Hot Fudge Sundae Days
286. Happy astronaut day to all the astronauts out there
287. National astronaut day
288. Iconic artists throughout history
289. Cartoonists day
290. World Cider Day
291. National Nurses Day
292. Sexy nurse Joy
293. Here comes the nurse joys
294. Nurse of joy
295. Nurse Joy outfit
296. Nurse joy dress in lingerie
297. RoastLeg of Lamb
298. World Bellydance Day
299. Twilight Zone
300. End of the Middle Ages
301. White Wine
302. National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
303. Cats with chocolate chip cookies
304. Chocolate chip cookie or sugar cookie
305. Friendship day
306. I'm not risking to destroy my friendship
307. What it means to be a good friend
308. Is it really worth ruining your friendship?
309. Oatmeal Cookie
310. Fun with catching fireflies
311. Segata Sanshiro
312. Totally Chipotle
313. Beverage Day
314. Coconut Cream Pie
315. Butterscotch Brownie
316. Mastering of Archery
317. National Apple Pie Day
318. Want some of my apple pie
319. Juice Slush Day
320. Juice that slush
321. Meat Hot Spring! Ow It's Hot!
322. Bubble Trouble
323. A Dangerous Bowl Game
324. Classic movie day
325. Classics will live on
326. Water temple
327. Inking domination
328. Summer clothes
329. Classics never die
330. Sonic Cafe art style
331. National Pizza Party Day
332. Barbecue
333. Streaming Wars
334. Lucky pennies
335. Strawberries and cream
336. National Lucky Penny day
337. Learning how to swim
338. Sexy fan service lifeguard
339. National streaming day
340. Always honor creativity
341. Hamburger cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper
342. Cheeseburger day
343. Garfield and Friends go see the Garfield movie
344. National American Red Cross Founder's Day
345. Uzaki-Chan Red Cross
346. Blueberry Cheesecake
347. Picking strawberries
348. Watering flowers
349. Walnut feast
350. Rocky Road Day
351. Hooked on you dbd (for those of you that don't know what hook on you is it's a summer dating simulator spin off of dead by daylight but without the core stuff from the dead by daylight game)
352. Girls from Megaman X wearing bikinis
353. National Cheese Day
354. Cheese Paradise
355. Everything made out of cheese
356. Cheese choices
357. Donald Duck's birthday
358. Preparing a surprise for my Donald Duck
359. Name your poison
360. The day that I chose a name for the poison I consumed that killed me
361. Random Acts of Light
362. Corn on a cob
363. Foam Party
364. Rose days
365. A rose for Amy
366. Coughing roses
367. Filled with roses
368. Herbs and spices
369. Room filled with roses
370. Grim Reaper of roses
371. Endless rose petals falling from above
372. Each color of roses represents something
373. Cherry Tart
374. Happy strawberry shortcake day
375. Zeena as a nail artist
376. Making s'mores With Friends
377. National s'mores day
378. Nintendo World Championships
379. Clean beauty
380. Seven princesses of heart
381. Seekers of Darkness
382. Making life beautiful
383. US Army birthday
384. Tribute to the soldiers we honored
385. Iced tea
386. World Martini Day
387. National Seashell Day
388. Got to have my fudge
389. Whoever can drinks the most vanilla milkshakes wins
390. Vanilla Milkshake Day
391. I'm not drinking that Crystal Pepsi
392. Watch collector
393. Peaches 'n' Cream
394. 90s cool kid troupe
395. Summersgiving
396. Detroit-Style Pizza
397. Take Back the Lunch Break
398. National Meteor Watch Day
399. Chocolate pudding
400. Pink Day
401. Make it all pink
402. Pink Aesthetics
403. Mexican folklore (as long as there's not certain ones that put people in danger just by knowing the certain Legend because if you know about that certain thing chances are they may come after the victim)
404. Taco Tuesday
405. Red white and royal blue
406. America folklore
407. National wildland firefighter
408. Kittens day
409. Anisette
410. Graham Crackers
411. National Bikini Day
412. Pina Colada
413. World emoji
414. Emojis as humans of your choice (meaning you can pick which kind of emoji that you would like for me to make a human version of from your request)
415. Koi fish
416. 7-Eleven Day
417. Mojito
418. Tropical Fruits
419. Peach ice cream
420. National blueberry muffin day
421. Tequila
422. Day of the Cowboy
423. Coffee Milkshake
424. Goku Day
425. Blood cookies
426. Dance the Night Away
427. Eve from Stella blade as a mermaid
428. Revisit the 2000's
429. Today Is Friday in California
430. Muichiro Tokito and Yuichiro Tokito's Birthday
431. California girls
432. Minecraft 15th anniversary
433. Mahjong
434. Passion Fruit
435. Purple Heart Day
436. California prompts
437. National Dollar Day
438. Bao for dinner
439. Tooth Fairy
440. She eats the teeth she that collects from children
441. Ashura the Hedgehog
442. Sega Saturn
443. Should I try and eat the Sega Saturn
444. Sega Dreamcast
445. Crystal Pepsi
446. Mexican style clothing
447. Barbecue
448. Y2K aesthetic
449. Frutiger Aero
450. Dark Aero
451. Anime New Moon
452. Beach bunny
453. Goofy's Birthday
454. Sleep Under the Stars Night
455. National Power Rangers Day
456. Britpop
457. Matchmaker
458. Request something from your childhood
459. Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation
460. Summer Nights Splatfest
461. Bahama bucks drinks
462. I Need a Dollar
463. Happy Dragon Boat Festival
464. A horse made out of cheese
465. Cookie monster
466. Family Vacation
467. 22th Anniversary of Kim Possible
468. Ghostbusters 40th Anniversary
469. Black pearl cookie
470. Sea fairy cookie
471. Denki Kaminari's birthday
472. Villain Denki
473. International Stitch Day
474. Grimace's birthday
475. Maneki-neko
476. Money cats
477. Donkey Kong 43rd Anniversary
478. Florida Hot Lady Cop
479. Garfield as a female Hololive Vtuber
480. Brazilian pizza
481. Black Cat Appreciation Day
482. National Tooth Fairy day
483. Her favorite food is teeth
484. Horror or creepy version of the tooth fairy
485. Requests relating to Fairly OddParents tooth fairy character
486. Polygon Sonic
487. National kitten day
488. Chibi kitten
489. National girlfriend day
490. Fnf D-side Girlfriend
491. Fnf soft girlfriend (in that Universe girlfriend's actual name is Grace)
492. Neon Girlfriend
493. B3 GF wearing prince clothing or tomboy fashion
494. Fnf B-side Girlfriend
495. Cloud Strife's Birthday prompts of your own choice
496. I don't want to be the Supreme King anymore
497. National Cat Day
498. Samurai Pizza cats
499. 2020s gamer
500. Bowser day
501. Koopa week prompts of your choice
502. Transformers 40th Anniversary
503. Tap dancing monkey from Tfp
504. All hail Starscream
505. It starts with a star and ends with the screen
506. Prepare for surgery
507. Pleading to Primus for forgiveness
508. Shadow as Batman
509. Black arm wings of Shadow
510. You're the true King Arthur
511. Vampire Knockout tfp
512. Doctor in the house!
513. Dark energon Knockout
514. Hatsune Miku can be whatever you want her to be
516. Brazilian Miku
517. Charlie Week
518. Emo Charlie
519. Chibi Charlie
520. But I'm Miku
521. Chibi Hatsune Miku
522. Vampire Miku
523. SpongeBob anniversary
524. Kill Bill Sandy
526. Chibi Denki
527. Kitty Katswell as a fashion model
528. Chibi Yusei
529. Chibi Kitty Katswell
530. My dear Orion
531. Chibi Jaden Yuki
532. Chibi Donald Duck
533. Chibi Mitsuri Kanroji
534. Chibi Deku
535. Chibi Pico
536. Beloved Elita
537. Bumblebee being adorable
538. Catformers
539. Chibi Goofy
540. You took my voice you will never rob anyone of anything ever again
541. If Knockout was a horror character
542. Yandere Knockout
543. All Might's Birthday
544. Dulce Amy
545. Chibi Kyojuro
546. Unhinged Decepticon medic
547. Refused to come out like a spoiled little sparkling
548. Deliciously sweet energon cubes
549. Who is this lovely medic
550. It wasn’t just the children who wanted to reap the frozen fruits of the ice cream truck
551. Angry Archer (he's a villain character from Transformers animated)
552. Matrix of Leadership
553. Badassatron
554. Beachwear
555. Kodomo no hi
556. June Solstice
557. Fujo Miku
558. Guaraná Antarctica
559. Bee knows he's adorable
560. Moon sea above the earth
561. Ready for your check-up?
562. Rise and shine, my lovely patients
563. Is very dangerous for a beautiful mermaid like yourself
564. Chococat's birthday
565. Chocolates of Chococat
566. After all he's the one Doctor I don't mind listening to
567. This thing is about as much a race car as you are a swimsuit model
568. Arcee is a cutie
569. Your never leaving my beautiful patient
570. Take your time, sweetspark
571. Look deep into my optics, sweetspark
572. Bishoujo Transformers
573. Arachnus Prime
574. D come back!
575. Doc Mcstuffins
576. For Primus knows how long
577. Everyone’s favorite fruitcake aston martin
578. Knockout my favorite diva
579. Rich doctor
580. Dear Optimus lover
581. Cherry red racer
582. Sexy Knockout
583. Cottagecore house husband Ratchet
584. Pompompurin Bumblebee
585. Twinkle, twinkle little Starscream
586. Shattered sparks
587. Primus help those unfortunate souls
588. Tanooki Spongebob
589. Not like the other bots
590. Knockout had played his role as a human waiter perfectly
591. Glorpi Miku
592. it is not that easy to escape the leader of the DJD
593. A delicious sundae visit
If you have any summer theme prompts that you would like to request for it to be added on the list feel free to send in your suggestion so it can be added on the list.
Link to the rules: https://lovelyprincessn64.newgrounds.com/news/post/1298101
Just out of curiosity: What does that list represent? Is that your backlog of 'art promises' or something else entirely?
LovelyPrincessN64 (Updated )
Oh It's a request event related to holidays In case you don't know I reached a certain milestone of requests so to make it extra special I decided to make each event based off of different holidays and the purpose of those events is so people would like to request something special related to the event however unlike normal requests you have to request something based of the event of your choice. However if you just want a normal request just go to the rules and just ask for something regular
And just to confirm It has nothing to do with art promises It's just for people that wanna send me requests For me to draw based off of a prompt of the requester's choice.
If there is anything you would like to request feel free to ask